Friday, February 18, 2011

Traditional Javanese Wedding Ceremony Of Indonesia

Indonesia itself consists of more than 13,677 separate islands. Because of various cultures, it has made an impact on the marriage ceremony performed there. Every wedding ceremony Indonesia has a certain culture that is based on the belief family. Marriage ceremony is not just join the two men, but ties between the two families as well.

It is said that the mutual love and sincerity that exists between a man and woman should ideally end with marriage. There are places in Indonesia in which couples get married because their parents want or because they themselves do it. An ancient Javanese proverb says, "Love grows as you get more used to each other." This is a lesson we can take for now.

Couples participating in this ritual attempt to cleanse the body and soul. This ritual is usually occur in the afternoon, the day before, at the bride's house for her, and at his house to the groom. The people who participated in the bath is also very important partner. Elder women are very valuable for the perfect and moral behavior that is displayed. When giving Siraman, there are usually up to only seven people involved.

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